Last week was homecoming, which was a crazy-busy week of fun activities for the high school kids. I wanted my students at school to understand what homecoming was all about, so when we watched the parade on Friday, they could share in the excitement. I asked Ben and a couple of his classmates to come to school and speak to the kids. I was thankful that he agreed, especially since he had been sick at home the previous two days. For his part, he brought his football gear and told the students what all the equipment was for. Later, he even went out on the playground to play catch with some of the kids.
The coronation assembly was Friday, and I can only imagine how nervous and uncomfortable he must have felt, walking across the gym floor while his bio was read. He stood and posed for pictures with the rest of the homecoming court before, during and after the ceremony, and I marveled to myself...remembering the little toddler that used to cover his eyes if someone spoke to him that he didn't know.
Last night was the final part of homecoming, the Powderpuff football game when the girls from the junior and senior classes play against each other. The boys provide the comic relief because they serve as cheerleaders. We laughed as we watched (hopefully our last chance to see) our son dressed in drag, prancing around the field with a bunch of the other guys. This is the same boy who as a young child, scowled from his seat in the shopping cart and exclaimed, "Don't WOOK at me!" if some nice lady greeted him at the grocery store.
If you would have told me 14 years ago that I'd be watching my son do all these things, I never would have believed it.