Sigh. Today is snow day #8. We have had an unbelievable amount of school closings over the past two months. Some have been snow, some due to ice. I appreciated the first two, because the extra time helped me get ready for Christmas, but now hearing that school is cancelled again makes me cranky! Here are some ways I keep myself occupied during these dreary days.
1. Revise my lesson plans, again. Worry about my students' progress this year.
2. Watch the Today Show. Catch up on Meredith, Matt, Al and Ann along with the latest news. Turn the channel when they do another report on Tiger Woods.
3. Let the dogs out to potty. Feel sorry for them when they slide on the ice. Make a mental note to pick up the poopsickles later.
4. Check my email. Read about a sale on exercise equipment. Think about exercising.
5. Log on to Facebook and read a bunch of grumpy status updates from my teacher friends.
6. Vacuum. Wonder about the strange noise the motor is making.
7. Browse online for a new vacuum.
8. Watch Rachael Ray and feel inspired. Cook up a triple batch of casseroles for the freezer. Congratulate self on being so productive.
9. Think about research paper I should be writing for my masters program. Feel guilty.
10. Notice the puddles, slush, and ice chunks all over the garage. Sweep garage and forget about research paper.
11. Try to remember what science unit I'm teaching at school.
12. Feel lazy and crawl into bed with my dogs and a good book. Read awhile then take a nap.
13. Wake up and make a cup of tea. Look around the house for some chocolate.
14. Bake something with chocolate.
15. Think about research paper again. Look over notes. Feel anxious and uncertain about how to begin. Put notes away.
16. Watch Oprah. Marvel at how messed up some people's lives are.
17. Clean out 2 closets to prove I'm not a hoarder like the crazy people on Oprah.
18. Do laundry. Think about how tired I am of my clothes.
19. Shop online for sweater sales.
20. Make dinner. Decide what movie to watch since everything is cancelled tonight.
21. Look at pictures friends have posted on Facebook of the snowdrifts in their yards.
22. Try to remember the names of some of my students.
23.Watch The Biggest Loser. Consider exercising.
24. Make popcorn after the Biggest Loser is over. Watch another movie with the family.
25. Watch the news and say a prayer that the weather will be better so we can have school tomorrow.