Add one more to my list of pets. I couldn't help myself. A former student of mine had a guinea pig that was pregnant and he wanted to know if I'd be interested in one of the babies for a class pet. After I thought about it, the idea seemed like a good one. What a great experience for my students, to learn the responsibility of taking care of a pet. I am finding that many of my students get pets, but aren't able to keep them very long because the parents don't want to deal with the responsibility. Sad.
I explained all this to Perry when I gave him the good news. He didn't exactly see it my way... as a means of teaching compassion for living things and responsible pet ownership to another generation. He just knew that another critter would be joining our household on weekends and school vacations. My husband's enthusiasm was underwhelming.
When the big day arrived and I went to get her, I brought her in the back door quietly and hurried into the next room to get her settled. I didn't expect a welcome from my dear husband for this little critter. Shortly after that, he appeared in the doorway to my work room explaining, "Well, I wasn't going to come see it, but I thought I might as well take a look." As I put Ginny in her cage and filled the food dish, he gave me a hug and remarked, " I guess you have to try one of everything, don't you."
Yep. Just call me Ellie Mae Clampett.