Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Finally Got It!

Ever since the eggs hatched, I've been spending a little too much time lurking inconspicuously at the porch window with my camera, hoping to snap a picture of the mother robin with her babies. 

She doesn't appreciate my intrusion, and always flies away angrily the split second she detects movement at the window. When she's away, the babies burrow their heads down in the nest and don't look very photogenic.

I feel a little the bird paparazzi or something....stalking this poor mother as she tries to go about her everyday life, causing emotional distress while she looks out for her babies' welfare. She never asked to be the subject of so much attention, yet this photographer's need to get the perfect shot seemed to be more important than her need for privacy and security.

It's doubtful that I'm an exceptional photographer, and it's more likely she did what many sought-after celebrities do....posed for a picture hoping I'd go away and leave her alone.


Iowa State Fans said...

HA HA :) We have baby robins in a crest in our house and I feel the SAME way!

Laura B said...

Your vigilance has paid off! What a great picture!

Jolene Philo said...

I love the picture. Send it in to a calendar company.