I've never been afraid of storms, but I don't like it ONE BIT when severe weather is headed our way and I don't have my family with me. Just like a mother duck, when things look dangerous, I want to gather them together and tuck everybody under my wing. This is harder as my "ducklings" are growing older.
Last night a strong line of storms moved through and I was uncharacteristically nervous about it because none of my kids were home. As the dark clouds were bearing down from the west and the super doppler alerts were issuing new warnings every minute, my oldest son Joe was driving home from night class in Ankeny. A quick text confirmed that he would be home before the weather got bad here in town.
Ben was at the high school softball game. Being a pretty independent guy, he doesn't love it when his mom tries to keep tabs on his wearabouts. I went for the subtle approach, texting, "Since the storm is moving in, let me know when you get safe inside somewhere". A few minutes later, he responded, "I'm inside." Of course, the Mother Duck in me couldn't settle for that, so I replied, "where?" Apparently I pushed too far, because I got no answer.
Sam was at camp a half-hour northwest of here. Since checking in on him was not possible, I said a prayer that this strong line of storms would somehow miss Hidden Acres and the camp would be protected. My eyes stayed glued to the radar, as if my vigil would somehow affect the path of the storm.
Today, even though the sun is shining, I am heartsick for the families whose sons were boy scouts, and who won't be coming home from a camp in Western Iowa. Those parents would probably give about anything for an abrupt two-word text message from their son.
Later I read the blog from the camp director at my son's camp about their experience in the storm. It confirmed what I knew in my heart all along. Sam was in good hands, and probably just as secure at camp as he would have been at home with me. Having my kids beside me during every storm just isn't possible anymore. As much as I want to, I can't protect them from the weather or the world by tucking them under my wing.
1 comment:
Oh Diana,
After hearing about the Boy Scouts, I can't stop thinking about Sam at camp, crazy me. I guess I still have him tucked under my wing too. ;) I know that God has a plan and will protect our babies, but we as mothers are still allowed to worry.
I wish I could put things in slow motion for my little ones, life goes by too quickly.
Question...did you ever consider homeschooling? I would love to chat with you about this.
Have Faith.
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