Before I open the paper and look at all the "Black Friday" ads that will send me into a list-making frenzy thinking about all the things I need to get for someone (or wish I could buy for myself) I'm going to take a minute to count my blessings.
I am thankful:
Joey is home for Thanksgiving. He even made dinner for us last night....one of the two specialties he's developed during the first semester in an apartment. It was delicious and awesome to have a night off!
Ben completed his senior year football season with no injuries. That is amazing when I think about all the hard tackles that can easily send a player to the emergency room and the sidelines for the rest of the year.
Perry appreciates me working full time. Somedays he surprises me and walks into my classroom with a cappuccino...just the thing to put a spring back in my step when I need it most! Every month at payday he says, "Have I thanked you for working?" We laugh because he says it all the time, but I love to hear it and I hope he never stops.
My mom comes to volunteer in my class two mornings a week to listen to students read. I'm glad she gets to really see what I do. My students get to benefit from an extra "grandma" with smiles, hugs and encouragement for their hard work in reading.
Pam, my childhood friend, who recently moved back to Boone. I get to play auntie with her two little girls who are a blast to have around. Plus she and I drop in on each other some weeknights for a spontaneous glass of wine and heart-to-heart talks.
Sam, who walks out the door every day to deliver 80 papers. He picked up an extra route this summer which has been an enormous time commitment. Now that it's cold and he's finishing his route in the dark, I am thankful for his perseverance and work ethic that keeps him going each day when many kids would have quit already.
For flu shots, Airborne and general good health at our house this fall. It seems like strep throat and stomach bugs are all around us, but so far, we have avoided most of the icky stuff.
My first grade students, who think I'm smart, tall and funny.
My two little dogs, who are always glad to see me and ready to cuddle whenever I am. They agree with everything I say, and never talk back.
For God, the source of all my blessings, who gives me wonderful things I don't deserve, and keeps me from things I certainly do deserve. He gives me hope when I feel discouraged, strength when I feel exhausted, and peace when I feel worried.
Now those shiny newspaper ads with the coupons don't seem quite as appealing as before.
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