We never go anywhere for spring break. This is a first. Since Joe is in college and Ben is graduating, we decided that this was the year to scrape some money together and go somewhere for a family vacation. All the boys agreed that Uncle David's house was their top choice, so we made the plane reservations.
Perry knows how hard it is for me to go anywhere during spring break. Being the Type-A person that I am (make that Double A) I use days off from school to work on projects around the house, or get school work done. Stretching my comfort zone is good for me though, so as we prepared for the trip last week, I did my best to ignore the dirty floors at home and the stacks of papers at school. I was doing remarkably well until the travel hassles began, and then I began shrieking, "See! This is why we don't go anywhere on spring break!!"
Travel Hassle #1 I found out at 4:30 Friday afternoon that some new doggie vaccination was required before we could drop Buddy and Pearl at the kennel the next morning. So, I had to round up the dogs and make a frantic dash to the vet clinic. The dogs received the necessary shot and I and handed over $56.oo, mentally calculating the total cost of leaving pets at a kennel for a week. As I drove home, I mumbled, "This is why we don't go anywhere on spring break."
Travel Hassle #2 We arrived in Kansas City promptly 2 hours early for our flight, cleared security, and settled down at our boarding time, only to find out that our flight had been delayed at least an hour, creating the possibility that we'd miss our connecting flight in Atlanta. As we waited, I reminded "Perry, See, there is a reason why I don't like to go places on spring break."
Travel Hassle #3 We arrived in Atlanta with 5 minutes before our next flight departed. Racing to the next concourse, we found our gate, only to see that flight had been delayed, first 1 hour, then 2 hours. This time, I grumbled to complete strangers sitting next to me, "This is why I don't travel on spring break!"
Travel Hassle #4 Arriving in Miami at midnight and waiting what seemed like an eternity at the baggage claim, only to realize that the thingy had stopped turning and the lights were being turned off. Our hearts sank as we realized our luggage did not make it on the plane. I resisted the urge to fling myself to the floor of the terminal and beat my fists, but I'm sure I made it clear to the Russian woman next to me in line that this is why I hardly ever travel.
Travel Hassle #5 Waiting in line another hour and a half to fill out the necessary paperwork so our lost luggage could be delivered to us when located. The airport representative kindly took down all our information and politely ignored my incoherant mumbling. We left the airport at 1:30 AM with our complimentary overnight kits in hand and me reminding everyone within earshot that this would probably be our first and LAST spring break trip anywhere.
Think I made my point?
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