My family, on the other hand, is very understanding and supportive of my new schedule. Sam is a great sport when I am in Des Moines for class all day. He's content to stay home alone, and Ben is very self sufficient-even washing his baseball uniform when needed. My parents are more than happy to have Sam and the dogs at their house, to make sure they are eating what they are supposed to, along with getting some exercise and fresh air. Perry has been so encouraging as I take on this new challenge in my life. Even though writing reflection papers is a foreign concept to him, he understands the time involved with my classwork and picks up the slack around the house.
There hasn't been time for scrapbooking, home decorating projects or planting a vegetable garden this summer. My priority is to complete my 10 credits of classwork, go to Ben's baseball games, spend time with Sam, and maybe even put away the stuff from Ben's graduation party. I haven't trimmed the dead flowers from the hanging basket yet, but it's on a list somewhere. It's just a different kind of summer.
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