Should I dive into my pile of school projects that I brought home? Conferences are coming soon and this week would be the perfect time to get prepared.
How about cleaning out my basement work room? It's overflowing with books, papers, and junk for school, scrapbook supplies, donations that need to go to Goodwill, and other odds and ends that don't seem to belong anywhere else in the house. I could rip through there like a whirlwind. organizing, and throwing away. Think of the extra space I could create.
Maybe I will spend the morning baking. There's a new muffin recipe I want to try, and making cut-out Easter cookies would be fun. Now that Joey is home, I know he'd appreciate some home baked goodies.
Hey, the living room carpet is looking pretty bad. I could get out the carpet cleaner and get to work in there. Now I remember, I need to give the dogs a bath. I dread that, so I REALLY should get that over with first.
I really want to put a fresh new color on the walls of the kitchen. Should I hop in the car and get the paint bought so I can get started? Now that I've decided to change the "lobster red" to "ocean blue" I can hardly wait for the transformation to begin.
On the other hand, somebody told me there are great clearance sales on winter clothes at the mall. Maybe today would be a great day to check those out. It's still early though, so I could pop in an exercise video and start the break off right by working out faithfully every day.
When I explained my dilemma to Perry, he replied matter of factly, "You could clean."
He's right, of course. Sigh.
Fun spoiler.
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