A cold ripple of doubt washed over me as I looked at the first few strokes on the wall. Did they mix the paint right?.....It's so blue! I checked the paint sample again, and reassured myself. After all, I get this feeling every time I put a new color on the wall. Just keep going, I told myself. The reason it looks so bizarre is because it's going over the bright red. Standing on the counters and reaching high behind the top cabinets was a real trick. Does anyone even see up here? I wondered.
Sam grabbed a camera so he could record the transformation. He was so encouraging, telling me how great it looked. As one wall was done and I moved on to the next, I could look back and see where I'd been. With the bright red covered, the beauty of the blue really came out. I relaxed, knowing that the choice had been a good one. The color of the wood and the stone around the fireplace really pops with this new color. I like the green walls in the back hall as a soft accent to this blue. It's amazing how this green color worked with red and looks neat with the blue also.
I woke up this morning with aching hands from gripping the roller, and tight shoulder muscles from yesterday's counter-top-contortions, but I'm so pleased with the way it looks. It's amazing how a new coat of paint can make a room look brand new again. Perry told me he likes it, then pointed out the blue paint dripped on the microwave. Even Ben gushed over the new color. "I thought I was going to hate it, but I don't," he told me.
It's hard to stay humble with praise like that.
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