Saturday, April 26, 2008

Trying the Y

This week, I tried an early morning exercise class at the Y. A co-worker of mine attends that class sometimes, and since I'm not motivated enough to work out regularly on my own, I decided to try this class approach.

Fortunately the Y has a free week trial option. I can attend a few classes before I make the commitment to join and fork over the monthly fee.

That first morning, my body was in shock when the alarm rang at 4:50. As I stumbled to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I tried to remember the last time I was ever awake at that hour. Probably when the kids were babies and I was up at all hours of the night and early morning to feed them. The only other time is when we have a plane to catch. I was a bit overwhelmed at the insanity of waking up that early without really having to. 

As I drove to the Y, I was amazed at the eerie quiet and calm around town. I drove past houses, convinced that not a single soul was awake but me. Even the stoplights downtown were blinking in their "middle of the night" mode...a sure sign that I was up WAY too early and this was a complete mistake.

I turned the corner by the Y, and was shocked to see how many cars were parked out front. I walked inside the building, and it was buzzing with activity. I couldn't believe how many people regularly get up at that time (or maybe even earlier) to work out. 

Once I realized that I wasn't doing anything noteworthy by getting up that early to exercise, and that I wasn't the only person in Boone who had to go work a full day and would feel tired by 8:00 that evening,  I figured I'd better get over myself,  pick up my weights, and get busy.

After all, excuses don't burn calories or build muscle. But, will I be able to stick with this inhumane schedule? I guess time will tell...


Hollie Allen said...

Yes, that is crazy! I have tried this before and realized that being tired like a new mother just pretty much stunk. Okay, so I am not motivating you am I? I wish you all the luck in the world! I will be sleeping in my cozy bed when you are getting in shape and I am getting flabby. ;)

Hugs and High Fives to you!


Iowa State Fans said...

How's the Y working out for ya? You have WAY more energy than me! I don't envy the early mornings for sure!

Anonymous said...

Wow it's nice to see your perspective. I hate getting up this early too! I know I need to and you keep me accountable, I wouldn't come if I didn't have to. Thanks,